Typography element

When we choose some style of the text used in its parent, we call Typography. Typography is really important that makes text more egible, readable, and appealing when displayed.

Examples about text elements



We can choose style font for text to make them more egible, readable, and appealing when displayed.

How to edit the Text element?

  • Step 1: Sign in into your wordpress manager page



  • Step 2: Find your page you want to edit then click “Edit with UX Builder”


Or you can go to your page after sign in wordpress as administrator then click “Edit with UX Builder” at the top of the page you want to change some text inside them.

Then you will go to Editor page.

  • Step 3: Edit the text:

We change texts…

Step 4: Update new changes 

If you finish your changes, do these step to apply for your new Slider. (Click Apply then Update)

Go to your page and check for your new changes.

New text

More about Typography element


